composition projects
Murakami, Luo, and Xing - Untitled (2021)
A collaborative composition for MUS 174A: Audio/MlDI Studio Techniques I (Winter 2021, UC San Diego).
Arrangement / Mixing / Mastering - Eito Murakami
Piano and Percussion - Eito Murakami
Vocals, Banboo Flute, and Guitar - Jeffrey Xing
Violin - Alex Luo
Murakami, Haywood, and Lunon - Abstraction (2020)
A real-time telematic performance using Sonobus for MUS 176 - Music Technology Seminar (Fall 2020, UC San Diego). The graphic elements were added in post-production.
Synthesizers and Percussion + Mastering - Eito Murakami
Vocals and Synthesizers - Cameron Haywood
Vocals + Visuals - Shara Lunon
Max/MSP Bach Generative Composition (2020)
A 3-voice generative composition using the Bach library for Max/MSP. Developed at Stanford CCRMA workshop 2020.